Thursday, September 20, 2007

Sick... :(

Darn. I caught a cold or more likely the flu that's going around two days ago...and I've been feeling miserable. I was hoping someone would bring me chicken noodle soup, but no such luck. >.> I don't even have energy to type this right now...and I'm trying to fight off my fever without taking any medicine. I didn't want to go to Japanese today, but I don't think having a fever is a legitimate excuse unless I get a note from the hospital...I don't think I would go to the hospital for a flu fever. *sigh* guys should be careful not to catch it...

So my current 漫画(まんが) obsession is デスノート... thanks to Derek-san. :) L is my favorite character from the series. What a brilliant character...the way he sits, the way he thinks, the way he talks...perfect character design. I's curious to see how he's portrayed in the live action movie...I hope it won't be a letdown. I just finished book 6, so it's going to be a while before I finish. I'll be getting 7&8 from Derek-san tomorrow...can't wait! (In the picture above, the guy on the left is Light Yagami (夜神月), the main character, and the monster next to him is a Shinigami (Death God) named リューク.)

That's a picture of L. He always sits like that. And he's always drinking coffee or eating cake.


Citrus said...

Or stacking sugar cubes, or building card houses... ah, the many hobbies of L.

Books 7 & 8 are really going to change the way you look at the series, so get ready. There are only 12 volumes in all, so you're halfway there.

As for the cold, well, I hope you feel better soon. I recommend you drink some オレンジジュース, if you can stand it. The vitamin C will do you good.

Bin Zhou said...

I hope you get better soon! BTW, arigatoo for commenting on my blog. I think everyone is a little sick (from doing Japanese 5 days a week... don't tell Sato-sensei though, hopefully she won't read this). Anyhow, I used to read a lot of mangas when I was younger. I loved Doraemon and Slam Dunk! It's clever to get manga from derek-san, they are pretty expensive. Enjoy!

クイエン said...

I agree with you that L is an awesome character. He's so smart.
You will love him in the live action. I guarantee.
And btw, I'm just a student from the 10am section, wandering around people's blogs.

グラント・ウーラード said...
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グラント・ウーラード said...


Sato said...

Hope you are OK by now. So many people are sick these days.

I remember finding deathnote DVDs in Japan, but are they also avialble in English/subtitles?

ローラ・リン said...

さとせんせい、ありがとございます。I'm all better now :)

Yeah, they are available in English subtitles. I'm excited about the live action movie!

rob said...

I really want to get into Deathnote as well. Honestly it seems like everyone's watched it but me. Can't wait to get started!