Thursday, October 4, 2007


So it seems that all the school work that's been piling up is finally catching up to me. I have an entire book and 10 articles to read for my Art History time for the midterm next week. Not to mention over hundreds of paintings that I have to memorize. I'm screwed. I also have to create a 2 minute animation clip by next week. Only 2 minutes...? No big deal, right? Let's see, that's 24 frames per second x 120 seconds... >.> Uh.. wish me luck. Then there are about 3 paintings that I have to complete and some that I have yet to start on. I'm not necessarily complaining about the workload, well maybe I am for Art History, but I'm concerned that I may not be able to produce quality work in the given time...though I am most productive and efficient under pressure. I hope the 4 day weekend will provide me with some time to catch up on my work, though I doubt it'll be sufficient....

しゅうまつはぜんぜんがっこうはいきません。でもわたしはよくとしょかんはいきます。このどようびにとしょかんでげいじゅつのほんをよみます。それから、このにちようびにニューコムゲームルームでピンポンをします。(I feel obligated to incorporate some にほんご in this entry...)

But...I haven't been totally slacking. I've been feverishly painting one self-portrait after another, though I can't say they look much like me... :( No, I'm not a narcissist. Haha. I've just been painting so many of them because I am never quite satisfied with them. Yes, I'm doing this for my painting class. Anyway, in case you're wondering how they look like, I've posted them below:

You can click on the thumbnails to enlarge them, but it may take a while to load...

Do you have a favorite?


Vivien Shum said...

wow, I thought I got a tough schedule with a super heavy workload but I guess not, compare to yours~ good luck & I love your drawings!!! sometimes I wish I can be artistic as well~ ^^

Citrus said...

The bottom-right portrait looks the best, I think. I'm a fan of the bottom-left one, too, though - it looks sort of surreal, like you're a character in a Final Fantasy game or something.

グラント・ウーラード said...

I hope the stress doesn't crush your artistic spirit.

Also, I'm most immediately drawn to the bottom-right photo.

クイエン said...

Oh wow, your art is really good. I looked at some illustrations in your website, they really inspire me.
Please keep on posting art :D

Unknown said...
